Environmentally-friendly & Energy Saving
The Super Aqua air to water heat pump is an environmentally friendly alternative compared to conventional oil and gas boilers. Our A2W solutions uses the outside air to create free renewable energy which is then used as heat source for space heating and hot water. This provides an energy efficient and environmentally-friendly solution which substantially reduces energy consumption, running cost and CO2 emissions in heating.
With an AWHP, 75% of the total energy comes from a completely renewable source: air. It is powered by electricity which is a more sustainable and cheaper alternative to gas. For each kilowatt of electricity consumed by a heat pump, approximately 4kW of thermal energy is generated, making it considerably more efficient then a condensing gas/oil boiler.
The use of a full DC inverter twin rotary compressor generates energy saving as it has a smaller size and higher efficiency.
Why Choose the Monobloc?
The Monobloc range is ideally suited for install by traditional plumbers as the refrigerant circuit is sealed and the
pipework from the outdoor to indoor carries only water.
Why Choose the Split?
The application of a split system allows greater flexibility in the location of the outdoor unit due to the longer pipe
lengths available on the smaller diameter pipes.
The Super Aqua Monobloc offers an integrated heating solution that guarantees complete comfort in your home. Leaving water temperature ranges from 5°C to 60°C, which provides comfortable cooling and heating for users. In addition, production of domestic hot water is guaranteed all year round.
Haier Super Aqua is suitable for both underfloor heating and radiators. High leaving water temperature of 60ºC is guaranteed without using backup heaters even when the outdoor temperature is down to -14ºC.

Wide Application
The Super Aqua Monobloc ranges from 4kW to 16kW, and is suitable for both residential and and small to medium sized commercial applications. Smaller capacity units can be applied to new build residential buildings with their improved insulation whilst the medium-capacity system can be applied to refurbishments.
Super Aqua’s high capacity system is suitable for installation in small to medium sized commercial applications, such as Café’s, restaurant, dental practices and hair salons.
Flexible Performance & Hybrid connection
When the outdoor ambient temperature is too low the leaving water temperature cannot meet the set temperature. In this instance the inbuilt electric ‘back up heater’ is designed to meet the required exit water temperature.
Super Aqua solutions can integrate backup energies like gas boilers or solar thermal and use them in the most efficient way possible. For example, in the bivalent connection mode the system will choose gas boiler under -10º ambient temperature and change over to air-to-water energy when temperature rises above that point, reaching maximum efficiency for your system. When hybrid connection is turned off, both boiler and heat pump conduct automatic control.
Safe Performance
Sterilisation mode
With the sterilisation mode is activated, elimination of harmful bacteria is achieved by heating to 70ºC the tank’s water. This can be programmed weekly or scheduled for set periods.
The anti-freeze program protects hydraulic parts from damage, the water pump will turn on when the water temperature drops below 5ºC. When the water temperature is below 5ºC for more than 10 minutes, the heat pump is turned on to protect the system.
Anti-rust water pump
The water pump runs for 60 seconds when inactive for more than 24 hours. This ensures that water is not stationary for extended periods of time which reduces the risk of rusting.
Smart Grid compatibility
Modern energy companies integrate in their power grids Smart Grid functions. This system sends a signal to all the connected devices that carries information on the energy cost real time. Equipment compatible with this feature can then adjust their behaviour to optimise savings.